Regina Spektor

Regina Spektor - текст песни "The Trapper and the Furrier"

The Trapper and the Furrier

The trapper and the furrier went walking through paradise
And all the animals lay clawless and toothless before them
And all the mothers stepped away from their babies
Leaving them open and easy to handle
The trapper and the furrier went walking through paradise
They took some for now and they got some for later
And they marveled at the pelts, not a bullet hole in them
And they filled up the cages with pets for their children

What a strange, strange world we live in
Where the good are damned and the wicked forgiven
What a strange, strange world we live in
Those who don't have lose, those who got get given
More, more, more, more

The owner and the manager went walking through paradise
And all the shelves were filled with awards and achievements
And on every corner, a power presentation
And on every floor, an army of workers
The owner and the manager went walking through paradise
And all their charts showed so much promise and progress
No sick days, no snow days, no unions, no taxes
And they wandered towards home, kings of their castles

What a strange, strange world we live in
Where the good are damned and the wicked forgiven
What a strange, strange world we live in
Those who don't have lose, those who got get given
More, more, more, more

The lawyer and the pharmacist went walking through paradise
And all the sick were around them with fevers unbreaking
Crying and bleeding and coughing and shaking
And arms outstretched, prescription-collecting
The lawyer and the pharmacist went walking through paradise
Pressed suits in a courtroom, aroma of chloroform
And they smiled at the judge, disposition so sunny
Cause they didn't have the cure but sure needed the money

What a strange, strange world we live in
Where the good are damned and the wicked forgiven
What a strange, strange world we live in
Those who don't have lose, those who got get given
More, more, more, more

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Текст песни "The Trapper and the Furrier" рассказывает о том, как в нашем мире ценятся и награждаются не всегда самые добрые и справедливые люди, а часто те, кто готов жертвовать моральными принципами ради личной выгоды.

В песне описываются различные профессии - охотник и меховщик, владелец и менеджер компании, адвокат и фармацевт. В каждом куплете они идут по "райскому" миру, но вместо радости и благополучия вокруг них царит жестокость и безжалостность.

Текст подчеркивает неравенство в обществе и то, что часто те, кто уже имеет все, получают еще больше, в то время как те, кто нуждается, страдают от недостатка. Песня вызывает задуматься о том, в каком мире мы живем и какие ценности для нас действительно важны."

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