
Nightwish - текст песни "Rest Calm"

I went to die in a seaside hotel
Lanes of memory paved by sweet frozen moments

Deathbed memories of home
Never let me go

Every little memory resting calm in me
Resting in a dream
Smiling back at me
The faces of the past keep calling me to come back home
To caress the river with awe

Within there's every little memory resting calm with me
Resting in a dream
Smiling back at me
The faces of the past keep calling me to come back home
Rest calm and remember me

You are the moon pulling my black waters
You are the land in my dark closet
Stay by my side until it all goes dark forever
When silent the silence comes closer

Deathbed memories of home
Never let me go

Within there's every little memory resting calm in me
Resting in a dream
Smiling back at me
The faces of the past keep calling me to come back home
To caress the river with awe

Within there's every little memory resting calm with me
Resting in a dream
Smiling back at me
The faces of the past keep calling me to come back home
Rest calm and remember me

Every little memory resting calm in me
(Resting in a dream, smiling back at me)
Resting in a dream
(Calling me to come back home, to caress the river with awe)

Every little memory resting calm in me
(Resting in a dream, smiling back at me)
Resting in a dream
(Calling me to come back home, rest calm and remember me)

(Rest in a dream)

Within there's every little memory resting calm with me
Resting in a dream
Smiling back at me
The faces of the past keep calling me to come back home
To caress the river with awe
Within there's every little memory resting calm with me
Resting in a dream
Smiling back at me
The faces of the past keep calling me to come back home
Rest calm and remember me

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня о том, как прошлые воспоминания остаются с нами на протяжении всей жизни. Певец говорит о том, что даже на смертном одре он не хочет отпускать свои воспоминания о доме. В каждом маленьком воспоминании спокойствие и умиротворение, они как сказочные сны, которые повторяются и вызывают ностальгию за прошлым. Он просит своих близких остаться рядом с ним до самого конца, когда все станет темно. Музыкант призывает нас вернуться домой, чтобы воспоминания о прошлом снова наполнили нас умиротворением и теплом."

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