Regina Spektor

Regina Spektor - текст песни "Wasteside"


I was sleeping by the wasteside of tomorrow
But its better than sleeping by the wasteside of today
All the barbershops and funeral-homes were open
And the customers were coming and the business was doing great

I was sleeping by the wasteside of tomorrow
Just dreaming dreams and drooling on my bed
All the people in my town would be born
Then they'd get themselves a little hair cut
And then promptly after they'd be dead

I was sleeping by the wasteside of tomorrow
When a drunk girl awoke me on the train
But I did not see her stumbling and I did not hear her mumbling
As I dubbed myself a passenger
And kindly stepped away

I was sleeping by the wasteside of tomorrow I was sleeping
I was sleeping I was sleeping by the wasteside of tomorrow
I was sleeping by the wasteside of tomorrow of tomorrow
Ladies and gentlemen
I was just sleeeeee-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I was sleeping by the wasteside of tomorrow
But it's better than sleeping by the wasteside of today
All the barbershops and funeral-homes were open
And the customers were coming and the business

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "Wasteside" о человеке, который спит на берегу завтрашнего дня, предпочитая это спать на берегу сегодняшнего дня. Он видит, как все жители его города рождаются, стригутся и умирают. Он попадает в странное состояние, когда его пробуждает пьяная девушка в поезде, и он в упор не замечает, что происходит вокруг. Песня подчеркивает бессмысленность повседневной жизни и отражает тему беготни за материальными благами, которые в конечном итоге приносят только пустоту."

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