
Apocalyptica - текст песни "I Don't Care"

I Don't Care

I try to make it through my life
In my way
There's you
I try to make it through these lies
that's all I do

Just don't deny it
just dont' deny it
and deal with it
yeah deal with it

You try to break me
You wanna break me
Bit by bit
That's just part of it

If you were dead or still alive,
I don't care,
I don't care,
And all the things You left behind
I don't care,
I don't care

I try to make you see my side
Always trying to stay in line
But you're eyes see right through
That's all they do
i'm getting tired of this shit
I've got no room when it's like this
what you want of me
just deal with it


If you were dead or still alive,
I don't care,
I don't care,
And all the things you left behind
I don't care
I don't care

nothing can care about, Nothing can care about
you wont' be there for me, you won't be there for me

If you were dead or still alive,
I don't care,
I don't care,
and all the things you left behind,
i don't care,
I don't care

If you were dead or still alive,
I don't care
(Nothing can care about, nothing can care about)
I don't care
And all the things you left behind
I don't care
(you won't be there for me)
I don't care
At all

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни говорит о том, что исполнитель пытается преодолеть все трудности в своей жизни и сталкивается с ложью и недоверием. Он призывает принять это и справляться с ним. Он также выражает свое равнодушие к прошлым событиям и оставленным вещам. Он устал от всего этого и не хочет больше иметь дело с этим. Песня выражает отсутствие интереса к тому, что произошло в прошлом, и желание отделиться от прошлых обид и обстоятельств."

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Просмотры: 176

Альбом "Worlds Collide" (2007)
