
Scorpions - текст песни "But The Best For You"

But The Best For You

Let me tell you something

In the darkness of the room
I?m leaning back against the wall
Try to walk on broken glass
A cut so deep just hurts so bad

I remember what you said
Tears were rollin? down your face
And after all?s been said and done
You?re a woman, I?m a man
Could I turn back the time again

You must know by now
I won?t let you down
Whatever comes along the way
Don?t you agree that one thing is true
I?m not the best, but the best for you

And I step outside the door (step outside the door)
Blinded by a million lights
In the valley of the fools (in the valley of the fools)
Another day went by so fast
What in the world will ever last

You must know by now
I won?t let you down
Whatever comes along the way
Don?t you agree that one thing is true
I?m not the best, but the best for you

There?s nothin? else that we have got
But our love is like a rock
Standing up against the tide

There?s nothin? else that we have got
But our love is like a rock
Standing up against the tide

You must know by now
I won?t let you down
Whatever comes along the way
Don?t you agree that one thing is true
I?m not the best, but the best for you

You must know by now
I won?t let you down
Whatever comes along the way
Don?t you agree that one thing is true
I?m not the best, but the best for you

Don?t you agree that one thing is true
I?m not the best, but the best for you
I?m not the best, but the best for you
I?m not the best, but the best for you

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "But The Best For You" рассказывает о чувствах человека, который хочет быть лучшим для своей возлюбленной. Он помнит её слезы и обещает не подвести её. Он осознает, что не идеален, но готов быть лучшим для неё. Он готов бороться за их любовь, как скала, устоявшая перед приливом. Он готов пройти через все трудности, лишь бы она была счастлива. Эта песня выражает приверженность и готовность жертвовать для того, чтобы быть лучшим для своей возлюбленной."

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