
Scorpions - текст песни "To Be with You in Heaven"

To Be with You in Heaven

You can shoot me down
You can drag me ?round
Girl I?ll get you
It won?t be long
You can smash my heart
You can trash our love
But my desire for you is much too strong

To be with in heaven
I would go through the darkest hell
In heaven
There?s no cure for love that kills

You can waste my time
But you can?t change my mind
I won?t stop you
So just go on
You can play your games
But it?s all in vain
Cause? my desire for you is much too strong

To be with in heaven
I would go through the darkest hell
In heaven
There?s no cure for love that kills
To be with in heaven
I would go through the darkest hell
In heaven
There?s no cure for love that kills

Girl I?m on fire
Heaven seems so close tonight
Girl I would die for your love

You can shoot me down
You can drag me ?round
Girl I?ll get you
It won?t be long
You can smash my heart
You can trash our love
But my desire for you is much too strong

To be with in heaven
I would go through the darkest hell
In heaven
There?s no cure for love that kills
To be with in heaven
I would go through the darkest hell
In heaven
There?s no cure for love that kills
To be with in heaven
I would go through the darkest hell
In heaven
There?s no cure for love that kills

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня о страсти и любви, которая может быть настолько сильной, что человек готов пройти через самые тяжелые испытания ради любимого человека. Даже если тебя убьют или разрушат твою любовь, ты все равно будешь стремиться быть с этим человеком в раю. Нет лекарства от такой любви, которая способна убить, но человек все равно готов пройти через ад, чтобы быть рядом с возлюбленным в раю."

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