
Scorpions - текст песни "Only a Man"

Only a Man

Well you know it is hard
Being a long time apart
But it?s you that I love, don?t you see

And when I go away
You say, please stay okay
I want you to stay only with me

Well you know it is hard
All these girls are so smart
And they see me all over the place

Well they phone me at night
Ask me out for a bite
I can see all the lust in their face

All these chicks really know
That next day I will go
And they will never see me again

So when I?m back home
And we both are alone
I can feel all you love and your pain

Woman, I?m only a man
Do the best that I can as you know
Woman, I?m only a man
Do the best that I can as you know
Now you know how I feel
Nothing is real

Well it?s hard to say no
When you?ve done a good show
And they all want you to celebrate

Well I try to refuse
Try to make some excuse
But at this point it?s mostly too late

Yeah, I start feeling good
And I get in the mood
I guess, you?ll know what I mean

These chicks all around
It?s so hard to keep count
It?s like a schizophrenic dream

Woman, I?m only a man
Do the best that I can as you know
Woman, I?m only a man
Do the best that I can as you know
Now you know how I feel
Nothing is real

Well you know it is hard
Being a long time apart
But it?s you that I love, don?t you see

And when I go away
You say, please stay okay
I want you to stay only with me

Well you know it is hard
All these girls are so smart
And they see me all over the place

Well they phone me at night
Ask me out for a bite
I can see all the lust in their face

Woman, I?m only a man
Do the best that I can as you know
Woman, I?m only a man
Do the best that I can as you know
Now you know how I feel
Nothing is real

Woman, I?m only a man
Do the best that I can as you know
Woman, I?m only a man
Do the best that I can as you know
Now you know how I feel
Nothing is real

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Текст песни "Only a Man" говорит о том, как сложно быть разделенными на долгое время, но важно понимать, что человек любит только тебя. В песне описаны соблазны и искушения, с которыми сталкивается главный герой, но он признает, что любит только одну женщину. Он признается, что он всего лишь человек и старается делать все возможное. Песня завершается признанием, что ничто не является настоящим, и чувства могут быть обманными."

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