
Sting - текст песни "The Hounds of Winter"

The Hounds of Winter

Mercury falling
I rise from my bed,
Collect my thoughts together
I have to hold my head
It seems that she's gone
And somehow I am pinned by
The Hounds of Winter
Howling in the wind
I walk through the day
My coat around my ears
I look for my companion
I have to dry my tears
It seems that she's gone
Leaving me too soon
I'm as dark as December
I'm as cold as the Man in the Moon

I still see her face
As beautiful as day
It's easy to remember
Remember my love that way
All I hear is that lonesome sound
The Hounds of Winter
They follow me down

I can't make up the fire
The way that she could
I spend all my days
In the search for dry wood
Board all the windows and close the front door
I can't believe she won't be here anymore

I still see her face
As beautiful as day
It's easy to remember
Remember my love that way
All I hear is that lonesome sound
The Hounds of Winter
They follow me down

A season for joy
A season for sorrow
Where she's gone
I will surely, surely follow
She brightened my day
She warmed the coldest night
The Hounds of Winter
They got me in their sights

I still see her face
As beautiful as day
It's easy to remember
Remember my love that way
All I hear is that lonesome sound
The Hounds of Winter
They harry me down

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня рассказывает о потере любимого человека. Главный герой описывает свои чувства после ухода возлюбленной. Он чувствует себя одиноким и потерянным, словно он окружен собаками зимой, которые преследуют его. Он не может смириться с утратой и все еще видит ее лицо, ощущает ее присутствие. Он стремится сохранить воспоминания о ней и продолжает искать тепло и утешение в ее отсутствие. В песне также звучат отголоски радости и горя, но герой уверен, что там, где ушла она, он обязательно последует за ней."

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