Dream Theater

Dream Theater - текст песни "Status Seeker"

Status Seeker

Heart sick at the sight of the
Status Seeker
In a sense I'm not beyond reproach
the aspiration to drop a name
When any rose might smell the same
Maybe you'll figure it out someday
"I want to know you now...
You know I've always believed in you."

Nothing is sacred...
You draw the bottom line
with a dollar sign
Change of opinion...
At the drop of a dime
Graceless intrusion...
Are you sanctified in your
judgment of me?
All that I deserve is what you were
unable to see

In a garden where the seeds were
I favored the few that stood strong
in the sun
As I reached for the profit of my prize
I found I had trampled the forgotten

Nothing is sacred...
You draw the bottom line
with a dollar sign
Change of opinion...
At the drop of a dime
Graceless intrusion...
Are you sanctified in your
judgment of me?
All that I deserve is what you were
unable to see

You're running in circles
And I'm turning away
You refused to believe
Now I'm turning away

Nothing is sacred...
You draw the bottom line
with a dollar sign
Change of opinion...
At the drop of a dime
Graceless intrusion...
Are you sanctified in your
judgment of me?
All that I deserve is what you were
unable to see

You're running in circles
And I'm turning away
You refused to believe
Now I'm turning away

Описание песни

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня рассказывает о том, как люди стремятся к статусу и признанию других, оказывают давление и судят по внешнему облику. В тексте упоминается, что ничто не свято и мнения могут меняться по мелочам. Говорится о том, что человеку иногда трудно увидеть истинную ценность вещей и людей из-за его стремления к признанию и успеху. В конце песни исполнитель отвергает это стремление к статусу и отказывается верить в него."

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Альбом "When Dream and Day Unite" (1989)
