
Queen - текст песни "The Miracle"

The Miracle

Every drop of rain that falls in sahara desert says it all
Its a miracle
All gods creations great and small
The golden gate and the taj mahal
That's a miracle
Test tube babies being born
Mothers,fathers dead and gone
Its a miracle

Were having a miracle on earth
Mother nature does it all for us
The wonders of this world go on
The hanging gardens of babylon
Captain cook and cain and able
Jimi hendrix to the tower of babel
Its a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle
Its a miracle

The one thing were all waiting for is peace on earth - an end
To war
Its a miracle we need - the miracle
The miracle were all waiting for today

If every leaf on every tree could tell a story that would be a
If every child on every street had clothes to wear and food to
That's a miracle
If all gods people could be free to live in perfect harmony
Its a miracle

Were having a miracle on earth
Mother nature does it all for us
Open hearts and surgery
(wonders of this world go on)
Sunday mornings with a cup of tea
Super powers always fighting
But mona lisa just keeps on smiling
Its a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle

(wonders of this world go on)
Its a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle
Its a miracle

The one thing (the one thing) were all waiting for (were all
Waiting for)
Is peace on earth (peace on earth) and an end to war (an end
To war)
Its a miracle we need - the miracle
The miracle peace on earth and end to war today

That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be
That time will come one day you'll see when we can all be

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "The Miracle" говорит о том, что все в мире является чудом. Каждая капля дождя в пустыне Сахара, каждое создание Бога, от маленького до великого, все они чудо. Песня говорит о том, что рождение детей в пробирке, смерть родителей, все это чудо. Мы живем на чудесной Земле, где природа делает все для нас. В тексте также упоминаются исторические чудеса, такие как Висячие сады в Вавилоне и Тадж-Махал, а также различные исторические фигуры, такие как Джими Хендрикс. Все это является чудом. Но наиболее важное чудо, которое нам нужно, - это мир на Земле, конец войн. Мы все ждем этого чуда, чуда мира. Текст призывает к тому, чтобы мы все стали друзьями и жили в мире и согласии."

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