Spock's Beard

Spock's Beard - текст песни "The Doorway"

The Doorway

I really don't care if you're not in my sight
I really don't think but I think I'm right
It don't bother me none if you're depressed or depraved
'Cause I'm not the one and you don't need to be saved

As the sunrise comes down the doorway
And the snow white falls like rain down an alley
I'll be sending my light your way
You are the doorway

I really don't care if you lay it all down
I really don't mind if you switch off the sound
Put it in reverse we might sound better that way
Say what you want 'cause it's all o.k.

As the sunrise comes down the doorway
And the snow white falls like rain down an alley
I'll be sending my light your way
You are the doorway
You are the doorway

What are you waiting for?
What are you hoping will happen now?

Out of the sycamore darkness
The dye was cast
Time has passed away
Color in the world by numbers
Masked in fear
And you can't hear me say
You are the doorway
You are the DOOR

As the sunrise comes down the doorway
And the snow white falls like rain down an alley
I'll be sending my self your way
Don't you know

I really don't care if you're not in my sight
I really don't think but I think I'm right
It don't bother me none if you're depressed or depraved
'Cause I'm not the one and you don't need to be saved

I really don't care if you twist or you shout
I really don't think what you think you're about
It don't bother me none if you shoot under par
'Cause I know what I am and I know what you are

As the sunrise comes down the doorway
And the snow white falls like rain down an alley
I'll be sending my life your way
You are the doorway
You are the doorway
You are the door
You are the door
You are


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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни говорит о том, что исполнитель не обращает внимания на мнение других людей о нем, не интересуется их проблемами или настроениями. Он уверен в себе и своих убеждениях, и не нуждается в спасении. Он призывает других быть самими собой и не стараться угодить ему. Он видит каждого человека как уникальную дверь, через которую можно проникнуть в новый мир и познание. Текст песни также обращается к теме времени, страха и смысла жизни. В целом, это песня о самопознании, вере в себя и открытии новых возможностей через встречу с другими людьми."

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Просмотры: 169

Альбом "Beware of Darkness" (1995)


События сегодня29 апреля