Spock's Beard

Spock's Beard - текст песни "Long Time Suffering"

Long Time Suffering

I never saw such a place in all my life
This is tomorrow's song
I think I've waited too long
Can't seem to see through the scraping of the sky
And now it seems so wrong
To think I spent such a...

Long time suffering and crying to the sky
Long time suffering and never knowing why

I have a gift that can see beyond the years
The touch so refined
I have transcended all time
My heart can reach through the secret well of tears
And when they all come out
Won't have to spend such a...

Long time suffering and crying to the sky
Long time suffering and never knowing why
The child awakening to a city in the sky
Spent such a long time suffering and never knowing why

I may be only seventeen but I see things
Look at the woman who's head keeps hangin' down
I cannot feel her hate I feel her needing
Some how I feel like I cannot let her down

I never saw such a place in all my life
This is tomorrow's song, I waited much too long
The change can come in a twinkling of an eye
The slave running free; the salmon floating downstream
The change can come in a twinkling of an eye
The slave running free, so why'd we spend such a

Long time suffering and crying to the sky
Long time suffering and never knowing why
The child awakening to a city in the sky
Spent such a long time suffering...

The change can come in a twinkling of an eye...

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня о чувствах сильной души, которая была испытана и страдала долгое время, но осталась верной себе. Герой песни стремится к переменам, к новым возможностям, к свободе от страданий. Он умеет видеть далеко вперед, чувствует потребности других людей и стремится помочь им. Он осознает, что изменения могут прийти в любую секунду и верит в светлое будущее. В песне также звучит призыв к состраданию и пониманию других, к тому чтобы не зацикливаться на своих страданиях и находить силу идти вперед."

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