Spock's Beard

Spock's Beard - текст песни "A Guy Named Sid"

A Guy Named Sid

pt. I - Intro (инструментальная композиция)

pt. II - Same Old Story

Sid was wild when He was a kid
Never quite understood why he did just what he did
Now he wonders why nobody likes him
Now he wonders why he can't get any respect

His is the same old story
(yet another chapter in your book)
He fell flat in his moment of glory
(you try to turn away but you take a look)
Now he want us all to feel his sadness
(you cannot win the game if you go insane)
With all the junk spilling from his mouth of madness

Sid went high to the top of the mountain
Stood tall with the weight of the world upon his back
In a sea of money and power
Fought for his name until the final hour

His is the same old story
(yet another chapter in your book)
He fell flat in his moment of glory
(you try to turn away but you take a look)
Now he wants us all to feel his sadness
(you cannot win the game if you go insane)
With all the junk spilling from his mouth of madness

I used to be an honest man
I used to laugh
I used to cry
Now it's gone and I don't know why
No matter how hard I try
I can't lie to myself anymore

His is the same old story
(yet another chapter in your book)
He fell flat in his moment of glory
(you try to turn away but you take a look)
Now he wants us all to feel his sadness
(you cannot win the game if you go insane)
With all the junk spilling from his mouth of madness

pt. III - You Don't Know

Every story has two sides
But no one ever wants to hear mine
No no one ever wants to hear mine

Sometimes it's like I don't exist
I'm number one on everyone's most hated list
Tearing me down is something no one can resist

You don't know
What it's like to sink so far below
The truth is there
I just need someone to show me where
I need someone to lead me there

There was time when I knew love
But I can't remember when it was
No I can't remember when it was
I couldn't have been born this way
It's been building up day after day
A little bit of pain can go a long way

You don't know
What it's like to sink so far below
The truth is there
I just need someone to show me where
I need someone to lead me there

pt. IV - Judge

This is the story of a guy named Sid
Who lost his heart when he was just a kid
Don't judge him on the things that he did
This is the story of a guy named Sid

Just how far will any one man go
Can you turn back at the end of the road
Feel the shock as your reality grows
Just how far will any one man go

pt. V - Sid's Boys Choir

I was born and then I rose
It came to me and then I froze
I lost my voice I couldn't see
I felt the sweat pour out of me
The limelight dimmed and turn me in
All my deeds turned to sin
The flesh upon my skin began to crawl

pt. VI - Change

I can't help the way that I am
Cause it was you that made me
You never offered to lend a hand
So I did it for myself
I did it for myself

I know there's something missing
Got to find a way to make it happen
It's been such a long long time
Got to find a way to clean up my mind

It's time to change my story

The leaves on my tree have withered and died
A long long time ago
But the tree is not dead the voice in my head says
I've a long long way to go
Whether for you and whether for me
All is not lost if I can let it be
All is not lost if I can let it be
All is not lost

It's time to change my story
(If you find a way you can save the day)
To get back my moment of glory
(Jump into the fire and burn away)
Everybody can you feel my madness?
(there is nothing left for you to say)
Take it all in and shout it to the masses

It's all right!

Описание песни

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Песня "A Guy Named Sid" рассказывает историю о человеке по имени Сид. Он был диким, когда был ребенком, и никогда не понимал, почему поступал так, как поступал. Сейчас он удивляется, почему никому он не нравится, почему он не получает уважения. Он пытается донести свою грусть до других, но слова, вырывающиеся из его безумного ума, кажутся пустыми.

Во второй части песни рассказывается о том, что Сид поднялся на вершину горы, боролся за свое имя, но все закончилось неудачей. Он жалуется, что когда-то был честным и мог смеяться и плакать, но теперь это все ушло, и он не понимает почему. Он пытается заявить о своей грусти, но его слова кажутся бессмысленными.

В третьей части песни рассказывается о том, что каждая история имеет две стороны, но никто не хочет слушать его сторону. Сид чувствует, что его никто не понимает, что его лишь критикуют и разрушают, и ему нужен кто-то, кто покажет ему правду и поможет найти путь из этой ситуации.

В последующих частях песни рассказывается о том, что Сид пытается изменить свою жизнь, найти спасение, понять свои ошибки и найти путь к перемене. В конце концов, он приходит к выводу, что ему нужно изменить свою историю, найти способ вернуть свою славу, высказывать свой безумие и изменить свою жизнь к лучшему."

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Просмотры: 183

Альбом "Feel Euphoria" (2003)


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