Guns N' Roses

Guns N' Roses - текст песни "Madagascar"


I won't be told anymore
That I've been brought down in this storm
And left so far out from the shore
That I can't find my way back, my way anymore
Oh no I, won't be told anymore
That I've been brought down in this storm
And left so far out from the shore
That I can't find my way back, my way anymore
Oh no... I.. I..

Forgive them that tear down my soul
Bless them that they might grow old
And free them so that they may know
That it's never, too late

For the many times, what seemed like, a memory
I searched and found the ways you used to lure me in
Ooh, I found the ways,
Why it had to be
Mired in denial, and saw heart break / Mired in denial and so afraid

If we ever find it true,
That we had the strength to choose,
The freedom or the chains,
We held together


I'm gonna tell you a story
Stand up for righteousness!
Stand up for justice!
Stand up for truth!
How can a person grow up with all this around them?
You got to call on that something
Where does it come from?
That can make a way out of no way
All this hatred?
What we've got here is..
That power that can make a way out of now no way
Failure to communicate
I tell ya I seen the lightning...I've heard the thunder roll!
Everybody's acting like we can do anything and it don't matter what we do. Maybe we gotta be extra careful because maybe it matters more than
we even know..
Hatred isn't somethin' you're born with
I feel discouraged
It gets taught
Sometimes I feel discouraged
I felt this fear
He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone, no never alone, no never alone!
Let's get something straight, alright?
Promised never to leave me!
This whole thing was fucked up
Never to leave me alone!
All men betray. All lose heart!
I don't want to lose heart!...I want to believe
Black men and white men
Together at the table of brotherhood!
I have a dream
Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty!! WE ARE FREE AT LAST!!

I won't be told anymore
That I've been brought down in this storm
And left so far out from the shore
That I can't find my way back
My way anymore
Oh no I, won't be told anymore
That I've been brought down in this storm
And left so far out from the shore
That I can't find my way back
My way anymore
Oh no...

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "Madagascar" говорит о том, что главный герой решает больше не слушать критику и негативные комментарии, которые сбивают его с пути. Он отказывается верить тем, кто пытается его унизить и оставить в стороне. Вместо этого, он ищет в себе силу справиться с трудностями и найти свой путь обратно к себе.

Песня также говорит о прощении и освобождении от обид. В тексте упоминаются негативные эмоции, такие как отрицание и страх, которые могут привести к разрушению и сердечной боли. Однако, герой пытается найти способ преодолеть все это и освободиться от оков, которые удерживают его.

В конце текста приводится утешительный монолог о борьбе за справедливость, идеалы мира и вере в лучшее будущее. Песня призывает к единству и братству, а также напоминает о силе настойчивости и веры в победу добра."

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