Guns N' Roses

Guns N' Roses - текст песни "Think About You"

Think About You

Say baby you been lookin' real good
I remember when we met
Funny how it never felt so good
It's a feelin' that I know
I know I'll never forget
Ooh it was the best time I can remember
Ooh and the love we shared - is lovin' that'll last forever

There wasn't much in this heart of mine
There was a little left and babe you found it
Funny how it never felt so good
It's a feelin' that I know
I know I'll never forget
Ooh it was the best thing I can remember
Ooh and the love we shared - is lovin' that'll last forever

I think about you
Honey all the time my heart says yes
I think about you
Deep inside I love you best
I think about you
You know you're the one I want
I think about you
Darlin' you're the only one
I think about you

Somethin' changed in this heart of mine
An I'm so glad that ya showed me
Honey now you're my best friend
I wanna stay together to the buryin'
Ooh it was the best time I can remember
Ooh and the love we shared - is lovin' that'll last forever

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня о чувствах любви и ностальгии. Главный герой вспоминает свою встречу с возлюбленной, говорит о том, как хорошо они провели время вместе и какая у них была прекрасная любовь. Он признается, что думает о ней все время и что она - его единственная любовь. Также он выражает благодарность за то, что она показала ему новое значение счастья и стала его лучшим другом."

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