Dream Theater

Dream Theater - текст песни "Honor Thy Father"

Honor Thy Father

We're taught unconditional love
That blood is thicker than water
That a parent's world would revolve
Always around their son or their daughter

You pretend I was your own
And even believed that you loved me
But were always threatened by some
Invisible blood line that only you could see

You took advantage of an outreached hand
And twisted it to meet your every need
''Gimme time to re-charge my batteries,
I'll see her when she's older and I'll bounce her on my knee''

Well listen to me you ungrateful fool
Her comes a dose of reality
You'll go to your grave a sad and lonely man
The door is now closed on your pathetic little plan

On and on and on and on it goes
It's so easy to run away with nothing in tow

How can you ever sleep a wink at night
Pretending that everything is alright
And have the nerve to blame this mess on me

Never in my life have I seen someone
So ignorant to the damage he has done
You're the rotted root in the family tree

I tried your 4 bill therapy
I tried to make amends
But nothing could lure you out of your selfish shell again

Expecting everyone to bow and kiss your feet
Don't you see respect is not a one way street
Blaming everyone for all that you've done wrong
I'll get my peace of mind when you hear this song

On and on and on and on it goes
And with every passing day true colors show

How can you ever sleep a wink at night
Pretending that everything is alright
And have the balls to blame this mess on me

Never in my life have I seen someone
Oblivious to the damage he has done
You're the rotted root in the family tree

Watch where you walk
Don't you dare cross the crooked step
Watch the way you talk
Don't cross the crooked step

On and on and on and on it goes
Chauvinistic, heartless, selfish, cold

How can you ever sleep a wink at night
Pretending that everything is alright
And have the balls to blame this shit on me

Never in my life have I seen someone
So f**king blind to the damage he has done
You're the rotted root in the family tree

Описание песни

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня "Honor Thy Father" рассказывает о сложных отношениях между отцом и сыном. В тексте присутствует обида и разочарование от сына по отношению к отцу, который обманывал его и использовал его только для своих собственных нужд. Сын чувствует, что отец был эгоистичным, неуважительным и несправедливым по отношению к нему. Он выражает свою ярость и разочарование в том, как отец обошелся с ним, и как он портил общество своей семьи. Песня выражает гнев и обиду сына, который осознает, что отец является "гнилым корнем в древе семьи"."

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Альбом "Train of Thought" (2003)


"Honor Thy Father" на других альбомах

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