After Forever

After Forever - текст песни "Face Your Demons"

Face Your Demons

Jack in a box and here I am
You're favourite mirror and your only honest reflection and your
I am you deepest fear, the one you'll always hear
I am the devil in disguise, I am your dream

I am the sneaky connection to your most devlish reflection
The scary imagination of the real you

I represent what you deny
You're never scared so why are you running away
from the temptation of my words
Oh you don't know what I could do for you
Or I could put you through..
And you don't really understand that only fear leads this game

Face your demons
Hear that inner voice
It calls, it cries for you
Just listen well
I'm the one who'll tell terrifying, scary, dreadful tales

You'd better listen
That's some free advice
So what scares you the most
Let me know, be a good host
I want to tell you how your fear looks and how to play this game

Face your demons
Hear that inner voice
It calls, it cries for you
Just listen well
I'm the one who'll tell terrifying, scary, dreadful tales

War is breaking loose, it cannot be stopped
Cars are racing by and you're getting crushed
Friends are dying slow with a lot of pain
You just fear it all

Bleeding from a wound that you cannot see
And you're seeing things that can never be
God is not made up and he wants revenge
You just fear it all
You just fear, you can only fear
Face your demons

So did you know that all your memories
Color all you'll ever be in a dark and misty cloud that I am
floating on
I'm still the voice that speaks inside your head
The demon under your bed
I'm still the one who haunts your soul with devlish lust for

Face your demons
Hear that inner voice
It calls, it cries for you
Just listen well
I'm the one who'll tell scary, dreadful tales

Face your demons
Hear that inner voice
It calls, it cries for you
Just listen well
I'm the one who'll tell terrifying, scary, dreadful tales

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "Face Your Demons" говорит о том, что каждый из нас сталкивается с своими внутренними демонами, своими страхами и негативными эмоциями. Слова песни призывают принять свои страхи и противостоять им, не убегать от них. Демоны, о которых идет речь, являются отражением нашего внутреннего мира, наших темных сторон и мы должны смотреть им в глаза, чтобы понять и преодолеть их. Песня заставляет нас прислушаться к своему внутреннему голосу, который может управлять нашими действиями и мыслями. Необходимо принять свои страхи и победить их, чтобы стать сильнее и мудрее."

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Альбом "Remagine" (2004)


События сегодня20 апреля