Dream Theater

Dream Theater - текст песни "Prophets of War"

Prophets of War

It burns deep down inside of me
We have ourselves to blame
Not questioning, accepted as the truth

Debate this fight, it's just cause
The facts do not support this
To liberate a people
And rid them of tyrant rule

Is it time to make the change
are we closer than before
Can we help them break away
Are we profiting from War?
It's time to make the change

Catch your attention
Since the exception
Fight for a reason
Can we clean up this mess
The loss of loved one's ignorance request
They can't move us in rhetoric
These derelicts that profit win or lose.

Is it time to make the change
Are we closer than before
Can we help them break away
Are we profiting from War?
It's time to make the change

-People Screaming-
(Time for change
Fight the fear
Find the truth
Time for change)

The only thing that I believe
Will help us see this through is faith
Pray they will forgive
Forgive our arrogance
So we can make it right
Right for they have wronged

See you sweat
Unexpected controversial
Get used to it
Things are gonna get personal
Your simpathy
A pitiful dispay you stutter
Your empathy
Means nothing if there is no honor
Of things you are incapable
We implicate
Incriminate, Exacerbate, Too much at stake
Our Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers
Sons and Daughters forced
Perpetuating their ideals
A mindless act
To stay the course

Is it time to make the change
Are we closer than before
Can we help them break away
Are we profiting from War?

Is it time to make the change
Are we closer than before
Can we help them break away
Are we profiting from War?

Is it time to make a change
A change from what it's been,
Can we help them break away,
Is our patience wearing thin?
It's time to make a change

-People Screaming-
(Time for change
Fight the fear
Find the truth
Time for change)

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "Prophets of War" говорит о том, что война и конфликты вызваны нашей собственной недальновидностью и нежеланием задавать вопросы. Мы принимаем информацию как истину, не задумываясь. Песня призывает к изменениям, к размышлениям над причинами войны и стремлению помочь людям избавиться от тирании. Также в тексте поднимается вопрос о том, насколько мы выигрываем от войны и нужно ли нам продолжать военные действия. Все это сопровождается призывами к борьбе за истину и изменениям в нашем отношении к войне."

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