
Opeth - текст песни "Will O the Wisp"

Will O the Wisp

When you're tired of waiting and time is not on your side
When you're tired of hating me, you no longer want to hide

You're stuck to the failures of your life
Marred with the sorrows of your strife

And time it waits for no one
It heals them when you die
And soon you are forgotten
A whisper within a sigh

When there's trouble admitting that you have been wrong all along
When the words you have written down reads "everything is gone"

You're stuck to the failures of your life
Marred with the sorrows of your strife

And time it waits for no one
It heals them when you die
And soon you are forgotten
A whisper within a sigh

And time it waits for no one
It heals them when you die
And soon you are forgotten
A whisper within a sigh

When you smother your friendships and take much more than you need
When you can't keep a secret to yourself and points to the source of the deed

You're stuck to the failures of your life
Marred with the sorrows of your strife

And you can never find the satisfaction
When you can't outgrow your false distractions

You know your soul is weighed on the silver scale of deceit and lies

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня "Will O the Wisp" описывает чувства человека, который устал ждать и время не на его стороне. Он признает свои ошибки и провалы в жизни, страдания и борьбу. В то же время, он осознает, что время ждет никого и ничто не вечно. Он описывает чувство забвения и ненависти, которое так легко возникает, когда человек не может признать свои ошибки и жить в лжи. В конце песни автор описывает утрату этой лжи и самообмана, понимая, что его душа будет взвешена на чаше обмана и лжи."

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