
Sting - текст песни "When We Dance"

When We Dance

If he loved you
Like I love you
I would walk away in shame
I'd move town
I'd change my name
When he watches you
When he counts to buy your soul
On your hand his golden rings
Like he owns a bird that sings

When we dance
Angels will run and hide their wings

The priest has said my soul's salvation
Is in the balance of the angels
And underneath the wheels of passion
I keep the faith in my fashion
When we dance
Angels will run and hide their wings

I'm still in love with you
[I'm gonna find a place to live
Give you all I've got to give]
When we dance
Angels will run and hide their wings
When we dance
Angels will run and hide their wings

If I could break down these walls
And shout my name at heaven's gate
I'd take these hands
And I'd destroy the dark machineries of fate
Cathedrals are broken
Heaven's no longer above
And hellfire's a promise away
I'd still be saying
I'm still in love

He won't love you
Like I love you
He won't care for you this way
He'll mistreat you if you stay

Come and live with me
We'll have children of our own
I would love you more than life
If you'll come and be my wife
When we dance
Angels will run and hide their wings
When we dance
Angels will run and hide their wings
When we dance
Angels will run and hide their wings
When we dance
Angels will run and hide their wings

I'm gonna love you more than life
If you will only be my wife
I'm gonna love you more than life
If you will only be my wife
I'm gonna love you night and day
I'm gonna try in every way

[I had a dream last night
I dreamt you were by my side
Walking with me baby
My heart was filled with pride
I had a dream last night]

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Он говорит о любви к женщине, которая находится в отношениях с кем-то другим, но он готов отказаться от своих чувств из уважения. Он обещает ей счастье и заботу, предлагает ей начать новую жизнь вместе. Он утверждает, что его чувства к ней настоящие, и он готов бороться за них. Текст песни также описывает надежду на счастье вместе, танцуя, но признается, что ангелы будут прятать свои крылья, потому что их отношения не имеют благословения."

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События сегодня28 апреля