Regina Spektor

Regina Spektor - текст песни "Poor Little Rich Boy"

Poor Little Rich Boy

Poor little rich boy, all the couples have gone
You wish that they hadn't, you don't wanna be alone
But they wanna kiss and they got homes of their own
Poor little rich boy all the couples have gone, they've gone, they've gone

And you don't love your girlfriend
You don't love your girlfriend
And you think that you should but she thinks that she's fat
But she isn't but you don't love her anyway
And you don't love your mother
And you know that you should
And you wish that you would
But you don't anyway

Poor little rich boy, all the world is okay
The water runs off your skin and down into the drain
You're reading Fitzgerald, you're reading Hemmingway
They're both super smart and drinking in the caf©s

And you don't love your girlfriend
You don't love your girlfriend
And you think that you should but she thinks that she's fat
But she isn't but you don't love her anyway
And you don't love your mother
And you know that you should
And you wish that you would
But you don't anyway

You're so young, you're so goddamn young
You're so young, you're so goddamn young
You're so young, you're so goddamn young
You're so goddamn young
You're so goddamn young
You're so young, you're so goddamn young
You're so young, you're so goddamn young
You're so goddamn young

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Это песня о человеке, который, кажется, имеет все, но всё равно чувствует себя одиноко и несчастным. Он окружен людьми, но все они ушли, и он остался один. Он не любит свою девушку и свою мать, хотя понимает, что должен. Он читает Фицджеральда и Хемингуэя, оба они очень умны и пьют в кафе. Он так молод и все еще пытается разобраться в своих чувствах и отношениях. Но несмотря на все это, он все равно остается одиноким и несчастным."

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Альбом "Soviet Kitsch" (2004)


События сегодня27 апреля