Regina Spektor

Regina Spektor - текст песни "Oedipus"


I'm the king's thirty second son
Born to him in thirty second's time
Born to him the night still young
Born to him with two eyebrows on
And that's all I was wearing
When I woke up staring at the world

My mom had been a rather crazy queen
But not at all a sex machine
She liked to keep her body clean, clean
Thought the world to be quite obscene
But she retired to her chamber
And we remain quite strangers

And to see me made her awful sad
And to touch me made her awful sad
And to see me made her awful
And to touch me made her awful

I'm the king's thirty second son
And all it took was thirty second's time
But a spoiled little prince I was not
Had a chamber maid and a chamber pot
And there's thirty one others just like me
There's thirty one others I can be

Sometimes I'd stand by the royal wall
The sky'd be so big that it broke my soul
And i stood on my toes to catch a glimpse
Of my mother's eyes and my mother's skin
And she retired to her chamber
And we remain quite strangers

And to see me made her awful sad
And to touch me made her awful sad
And to see me made her awful
And to touch me made her awful

And one morning I woke up
And I thought Oedipus, Oedipus, Oedipus, Oedipus
Then one morning I woke up and I thought Rex, Rex, Rex
Then one morning I woke up
And I thought Oedipus, Oedipus, Oedipus, Oedipus
Thirty two's still a goddamn number
Thirty two's still counts
Gonna make it count
Gonna make it count
Gonna oh oh

Thirty two's still a goddamn number
Thirty two still counts
Gonna make it count
Gonna make it count
Gonna oh oh

Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the

I'm the king's thirty second son
There's thirty one others just like me
There's thirty one others on the way
There's thirty one others after that

Sometimes I stand by the royal gate
People screaming love and hate
And they scream
And they scream
And they scream
And they scream
Long live the king,
Long live the queen

And to see me made her awful sad
And to touch me made her awful sad
And to see me made her awful
And to touch me made her awful

And one morning I woke up
And I thought Oedipus, Oedipus, Oedipus, Oedipus
Then one morning I woke up and I thought Rex, Rex, Rex
Then one morning I woke up
And I thought Oedipus, Oedipus, Oedipus, Oedipus
Thirty two's still a goddamn number
Thirty two's still counts
Gonna make it count
Gonna make it count
Gonna oh oh

Thirty two's still a goddamn number
Thirty two's still a goddamn number
Thirty two's still a goddamn number
Thirty two's still a goddamn number

Thirty two
Thirty two
Thirty two
Thirty two
Thirty two
Thirty two
Thirty two

Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the king
Long live the king

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Текст песни "Oedipus" рассказывает историю о главном герое, который является тридцать вторым сыном короля, рожденным через тридцать две секунды после своего предыдущего брата. Проснувшись на свете, он был облачен лишь в две брови.

Его мать была безумной королевой, но не сексуальной машиной. Она любила поддерживать свое тело чистым и считала мир довольно неприличным. Она уходила в свои комнаты, и они оставались незнакомыми друг другу.

Мать была очень печальна при виде его, а прикосновение вызывало ей большую грусть. Иногда он стоял возле королевской стены, смотря в небо, которое казалось ему огромным и трогало его душу. Он стоял на цыпочках, чтобы рассмотреть глаза и кожу своей матери.

Однажды утром проснувшись, он думал о себе как об Эдипе, Зевсе и Рексе. Он осознал, что тридцать два - это всего лишь число, и он собирается использовать его на полную мощность.

Песня говорит о том, что у короля есть 31 другой сын, а также подчеркивает прославление короля и королевы. Текст отражает эмоции и мысли главного героя, его конфликт с матерью и поиск своей индивидуальности."

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