Lacuna Coil

Lacuna Coil - текст песни "The Last Goodbye"

The Last Goodbye

Whatever you did to me
You gotta, you gotta tell me now
Why do we look like strangers?
Whatever I did to you
No excuses for this silence
Tell me what you're thinking I'll be there for you

So many stories told, too many useless words
Maybe because it's getting dark inside

This is the last goodbye
These broken dreams have been resigned
Here's to our last goodnight
These broken dreams have been resigned

Will this set us both free?
You gotta, you gotta, you gotta
Tell me what you're thinking 'cause I just don't understand it
Whatever I did to you
No excuses for this silence
Tell me what you're thinking I'll be listening

So many stories told, too many useless words
Maybe because it's getting dark inside

This is the last goodbye
These broken dreams have been resigned
Here's to our last goodnight
These broken dreams have been resigned

Why should I care when it will be alright?
Once separate ways we'll feel alive again
So many stories told, too many useless words
Maybe because it's getting dark inside

This is the last goodbye
These broken dreams have been resigned
Here's to our last goodnight
These broken dreams have been resigned

The last goodbye
The last goodbye
The last goodbye
The last goodbye

Описание песни

бонус трек японского издания

Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Текст песни "The Last Goodbye" описывает конец отношений между двумя людьми. Они оба осознают, что что-то пошло не так и больше не могут продолжать вместе. В песне говорится о том, что необходимо открыто обсудить все проблемы и непонимания, чтобы оба могли освободиться от боли и разочарования. В конце концов, они понимают, что разлука может быть их спасением и позволит им обрести новую жизнь. Песня призывает к прощанию и завершению всех разбитых мечт."

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