
Megadeth - текст песни "Washington Is Next!"

Washington Is Next!

The quiet war has begun with silent weapons
And the new slavery is to keep the people
Poor and stupid, "Novus Ordo Seclorus"
How can there be any logic in biological war?
We all know this is wrong, but the New World Order's
Beating down the door, oh something needs to be done

There was a king, an evil king
Who dreamt the wickedest of dreams
An ancient mystery, no prophet could interpret
Of seven years of famine, the wolf is at the door
As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more
The word predicts the future and tells the truth about the past
Of how the world leaders will hail the new Pharoah
The eighth false king to the throne, Washington is Next!

Disengage their minds, sabotage their health
Promote sex, and war, and violence in the kindergartens
Blame the parents and teachers; it's their fault
"Annuit Coeptis"
Attack the church dynamic, attack the family
Keep the public undisciplined till nothing left is sacred and
The "have-nots" get hooked and have to go to the "haves"
Just to cop a fix

I am the king, an evil king
Who dreams the wickedest of dreams
An ancient mystery, nobody could interpret
Of seven years of famine, the wolf is at the door
As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more
The word predicts my future and tells the truth about my past
Of how the world's leaders are waiting to usher in
The eighth world power of modern Rome, Washington is Next!

Solo - Mustaine
Solo - Drover
Solo - Mustaine
Solo - Drover

There was a king, an evil king
Who dreamt the wickedest of dreams
An ancient mystery, no prophet could interpret
Of seven empires falling, the wolf is at the door
As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more

I am a king and I dream the wildest dreams
And nobody could interpret
Seven empires fallen, the wolf is at my door
Ohh, that that was, that is, that is no more

Solo - Mustaine
Solo - Drover

There's something at my door, some ancient mystery
The future tells the truth about the past
And I'm the eighth false king to the throne
I've got you in my crosshairs, now, ain't that a bitch?
Washington, you're next!

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня говорит о том, что мир находится в состоянии тихой войны, которая началась с использованием скрытых оружий. Новая форма рабства - держать людей бедными и глупыми. Она упоминает о том, что биологическая война не имеет логики, и что Новый Мировой Порядок стучится в двери, требуя принять какие-то меры. В тексте также упоминается король, злоумышленник, который видит страшные сны, но никто не может их правильно интерпретировать. Он пророчает о грядущем кризисе и приходе восьмого ложного короля на трон. Композиция также выражает недовольство современными политическими лидерами и подчеркивает опасения относительно возможной гибели и падения империй. В конце песни звучит угроза «Вашингтон, ты следующий!»."

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