
Rage - текст песни "When You Are Dead"

When You Are Dead

He's got a pleasure in his life that's a real chill
I think it's funny but the people say he's ill
He likes to keep what's transient, save it from decay
That's what you got to know if you should pass his way

He's not a killer, but death is his dearest friend
It is for everyone, beginning and the end
And on the graveyard, where there's rich and poor the same
He's digging in the ground to set them free again

They've been a part of the universe
And they are unique on this earth

And when you die he's at your door
I tell you what he's waiting for

He's gonna get you when you're dead
He's gonna cut your skull free when you're dead
He's gonna get you when you're dead
You're gonna be the next one when you're dead

It's a passion with him to free them from their flesh
All night he's in the cellar rigging up remains
And then he's got them all together one by one
A real collector of the dead, a lucky man

Just give a damn for reverence
He's nuts and doesn't make no sense

And when you die he's at your door
I tell you what he's waiting for


DEAD! DEAD! Won't you give me your mother?
DEAD! DEAD! Gonna rip her with real care
DEAD! DEAD! This femoral's real fine
DEAD! DEAD! Don't you shiver in your spine?

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "When You Are Dead" рассказывает о странном человеке, который наслаждается смертью и похоронами. Он не убийца, но смерть для него самый близкий друг. Он хоронит всех, богатых и бедных, чтобы освободить их от плоти. Ему нравится собирать останки и он наслаждается этим процессом. Песня описывает его странную страсть к смерти и убийству, вызывая у слушателя чувство отвращения."

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Альбом "Execution Guaranteed" (1986)


События сегодня26 апреля

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