
Rage - текст песни "Symbols of our Fear"

Symbols of our Fear

When I think of what our world
Is to become I get really scared
‘cause every state in east and west
Has got enough weapons to kill all of us
They’re selling nuclear material
To developing countries, so that they’re part of our
Modern hell, the atomic age,
The pestilence of our century

These are the symbols of our fear
Show us the end of it is near
These are the echoes of our past
But let us end this curse at last

Some people in the industries,
They’re faithful statesmen, yes, indeed!
They’re getting rich while they’re selling death,
Now, don’t you think that’s too irresponsible?
In these days you’ve talked about
Reduction of the armament race
And this time we have all won
So go on guys and hold this line

Noone believes when they say
That they could control what they’ve made
Laughing in the face of death...

These are the symbols of our fear
Show us the end of it is near
These are the echoes of our past
But let us end this curse at last

These are the symbols of our fear
Show us the end of it is near
Damn you, who feed the fires of hate
For gettin’ rich, soon it’s too late

These are the symbols of our fear
Show us the end of it is near
These are the echoes of our past
But let us end this curse at last

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Когда я думаю о том, во что превратится наш мир,
Меня охватывает страх,
Потому что каждое государство на востоке и западе
Имеет достаточно оружия, чтобы"

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